There is a very special pediatrician in Clifton. He has been serving our community for over 35 years. Here, he has tirelessly run both a busy inner-city clinic helping at-risk youth and also a solo practice at the same time. He has always wanted better from our medical systems and the industry itself. He is a pioneer in the creation of the electronic medical record and has taken on big insurance companies for fraud and won. He is an advocate for physicians who believes that doctors working together and sharing information reduces costs and improves quality of care.

We are so proud of Nuheight’s own Dr. John Ivan Sutter and want to share another important way that Dr. Sutter continues to give to the children he cares about.

Dr. Sutter earned his medical degree from Far Eastern University in Manila, Philippines. While studying there he met his wife. It was on her family’s farm that Dr. Sutter saw first hand how difficult it was for many families to get medical care in the Philippines. Those who were sick or needed vaccines had to travel as far as 2 hours to see a doctor and then often couldn’t afford the treatments that the doctors prescribed.

He saw that the quality of life was poor and he felt an obligation to give back. His medical missionary work, therefore, began 15 years ago by bringing samples of medicines and supplies to families in need.

Today, with the help of Cathay Pacific and Cebu Pacific airlines who waive his baggage fees as well as the donation of vaccines by Nuheights, Dr. Sutter continues to prevent illness and treat the underserved in a place very close to his heart. He helps every patient who comes to his clinic, no matter what their age or what their complaint.

If you ask Dr. Sutter about his favorite “thank you” he will tell you about a man he treated for a fungal infection of the arm. The next day the man traveled hours to present him with a beautiful chicken.

Dr. Sutter will flash a big grin while he tells you the story and you will be able to see just how huge a heart he has and how rewarding he finds this hard work!

For more information on Dr. Sutter and his landmark battle against insurance companies click this link.