Call us and schedule an appointment if your baby is showing one of these signs:

  1. Not feeding
    Sometimes, cold symptoms can be so bad that the baby won’t eat. Make sure your baby is wetting a diaper at least about every 6 hours. Fewer wet diapers, if the baby is drowsy or sluggish, or a dry mouth can be signs of dehydration.
  2. Breathing problems
    Loud noises during sleep or feeding can become a concern, and if the baby is breathing fast for more than a few moments. Call your baby’s doctor if your baby is showing these signs and you are concerned about your baby’s breathing.
  3. Fever
    If your baby has a fever and you’re wondering if you should call the pediatrician, please read this. If your baby is a newborn, 3 months old or younger, and has a temperature of 100.4 or 38°C degrees or higher, please call us.
  4. Cough
    If the cough doesn’t go away after 72 hours, or if it is so bad it makes your baby vomit, please call us and schedule an appointment with your baby’s pediatrician.
  5. Diarrhea
    Although it’s not unusual for newborns to have loose stools after feedings, if your baby is having watery or bloody stool, it could mean there is a problem.

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Clifton | Montclair